Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Language is a weapon !

language I believe is a very important tool when it comes to huiman rights. With language we are able to communicate and get our ideas, thoughs and feelins on the issue of uhman rights. For some people they may feel that in some ways violence is the answer, in my opinion its not. My reason for bringing up the topic on why people feel that violence is the answer is because nothing will be accomplished through this, on the other had with language there could be. As I said before we are able to express ourselves with language and through this we can rais arguments that defend the reasons why we feel the way we feel about this issue, even persuade people to understand and feel what we feel. Language is also a great tool for raising awareness and getting the word out. Knowing how to use language can make all the difference on how people view what it is that you are trying to explain.


  1. i totally agreee with the part when u said that through language we r able to express ourselves

  2. i definitely agree with what you are saying, all human have the right to express and share they thoughts in what ever way they want or feel like it.
